The Deployment Template is an XML-file describing each configuration properties that should be applied to the artifact before deployment.
The basic structure is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deployconf name="..."> <TASK>...</TASK>... </deployconf>
where the name attribute is required and used to provide a name for the deployment config in the local repository. The deployconf element contains a list of tasks that should be applied to the artifact. Currently supported tasks are:
The properties task will create a Java Properties file using ISO-8859-1 encoding with all properties listed in the element. Note that any existing file will be completely replaced.
The properties task looks like:
<properties path="..."> <property group="..."> <name>...</name> <description>...</description> <condition>...</condition> <default>...</default> <value>...</value> </property>... </properties>
The path attribute identifies the path of the properties file in the artifact. It should match the path displayed using the jar tvf command. The path attribute may be omitted to define properties in configuration groups that are only used in property expressions.
The group attribute binds the property to a Configuration Group.
The Java Property Name. It’s also used as configuration property name when running deployconf in interactive mode.
The configuration property description that is displayed when running deployconf in interactive mode.
If present, the condition is evaluated as a JavaScript expression and is used to determine if the property should be enabled or disabled. A disabled property is ignored when processing the deployment template.
The default value to used for the configuration property. This is used when running deployconf in interactive mode.
The value of the configuration property. If the property is part of a configuration group, property expressions referring to other properties in the same group will be expanded when the value is used. If the property has a value in the deployment template it will be used as is in the deployment config. This means that you can provide properties that normally are hidden unless deployconf is running in force-interactive mode.
The filter task will filter a file in the artifact and replace all tokens that match the given regex with the corresponding value.
The Filter Task looks like:
<filter path="..." encoding="..."> <token group="..."> <name>...</name> <regex>...</regex> <description>...</description> <condition>...</condition> <default>...</default> </token>... </filter>
The path attribute identifies the path of the file in the artifact. It should match the path displayed using the jar tf command.
The encoding attribute specifies the encoding to use when processing the given path. Default encoding is UTF-8.
The group attribute binds the token to a Configuration Group.
The configuration property name used when running deployconf in interactive mode
The regular expression in java.util.regex.Pattern format that is used to find the token
The configuration property description that is displayed when running deployconf in interactive mode.
If present, the condition is evaluated as a JavaScript expression and is used to determine if the token should be enabled or disabled. A disabled property is ignored when processing the deployment template.
The default value to used for the configuration property. This is used when running deployconf in interactive mode.
The value for the configuration property. If the token is part of a configuration group, property expressions referring to other properties in the same group will be expanded when the value is used. If the property has a value in the deployment template it will be used as is in the deployment config. This means that you can provide tokens that normally are hidden unless deployconf is running in force-interactive mode.
When using the group attribute, the property or token is declared to be part of a Configuration Group. This means that the actual configuration value is stored in the given configuration group and not in the deployment template itself.
This means that the configuration value may be reused in another property or token with the same name that belongs to the same configuration group and thus allows for reusing the same value in multiple properties and tokens. This mechanism works both in the same deployment template and between different artifacts using it’s own template, allowing for sharing values between a group of artifacts. The group itself is stored in the deployconf repository as a standard Java Properties file.