When the Deployer runs the deployconf utility on an artifact, it will look for the embedded deployment template. The template is an XML-file with the name deployment-template.xml and should be located in the /META-INF directory of the artifact. The deployment template should describe each configuration properties that needs to be configured as part of the Deployment process and the Developer is responsible for updating the template when deployment requirement changes.
Below is an example template that declare two configuration properties:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deployconf name="org.polago.deployconf.demo"> <properties path="WEB-INF/classes/deploy.properties"> <property> <name>backendService</name> <description>The URL to the backend service</description> <default>https://localhost/backend</default> </property> </properties> <filter path="WEB-INF/web.xml"> <token> <name>tmpDir</name> <regex>@tmpDir@</regex> <description>The path to the temporary directory used by the application</description> <default>/var/tmp</default> </token> </filter> </deployconf>
The template contains two different tasks. The properties-task will always overwrite the properties file with all the properties specified. The filter-task will filter the specified file and replace all occurrences of the specified token with the corresponding values.
The name attribute should uniquely identify your artifact. If you publish your artifact to the The Central Repository, a good strategy is to use the groupdId and artifactId as the name. The name will be used to locate the deployment configuration in depolyconf’s local repository.
Below is another example template that declare three configuration properties and two of them belongs to the same configuration group:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deployconf name="org.polago.deployconf.demo"> <properties path="WEB-INF/classes/deploy.properties"> <property group="org.polago.deployconf.shared"> <name>backendService</name> <description>The URL to the backend service</description> <default>https://localhost/backend</default> </property> </properties> <filter path="WEB-INF/web.xml"> <token group="org.polago.deployconf.shared"> <name>tmpDir</name> <regex>@tmpDir@</regex> <description>The path to the temporary directory used by the application</description> <default>/var/tmp</default> </token> </filter> <filter path="WEB-INF/web.xml"> <token group="org.polago.deployconf.shared"> <name>backendService</name> <regex>@backendService@</regex> <description>The URL to the backend service</description> <default>https://localhost/backend</default> </token> </filter> </deployconf>
In this case, the value of the first configuration property will be reused in the last property so when running in interactive mode, the Deployer only needs to answer the first question. The actual value for both proerties will be stored in the given configuration group in the local repository.
For more information, see Deployment Template Reference.